Being Flo, Becoming Flow


My path is the expression of Love, the expression of Truth -

in the form that we can see, touch and feel -

and to give that Truth and Love back to the world.

My desire is for you to gaze into your own beauty -

without obstruction.

My writing, my art, my photography is to assist you to open your heart to your own divinity - inviting you to Agape - universal Love.

The Truth is -     you are what you are seeking,

                            within you lies a sea of possibilities,

                            you hold the key to your own freedom,

                            liberate yourself, and go on to set others free.



Flo Li

Expression of the Self

Name: Flo Li

Birth Date: June 27, 1978

Awakening Date: July 7, 2012

Birthplace: Xi’an, China

Residence: San Diego, USA

Education: MS Bioengineering, UCSD

                 MBA Entrepreneurship, SDSU

Practice: Isha Yoga & Aikido

Favorite Quote:

“The goal of life is to make your heartbeat match the beat of the universe, to match your nature with Nature.”

  1. -Joseph Campbell

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