
Deep, some shallow
fluttering away like colored butterflies
dancing amongst the fairy lights.

Denim blue and sparkling white;
Dandelion yellow sheathed in bright lime green;
Mulberry purple dazzled with jazzy amber.

I feel you so deeply in my soul.
Each note, each hue, each tune...
Each glance, each touch, each breath...

I can taste your scent in this autumn air,
I can feel your pulse in my salted hair;
I can trail your caress and pretend not to care...
Tirelessly running away…

Mask true feelings and overplay,
Giving myself no leeway.

Fighting a losing battle,
I was destained to fall...

Falling into Grace,
Falling into your Embrace,
Falling towards Deep Space...

Only to find,
that I have loved you All Along.

The Melody of Life

Faint, timid
Slow, Introspectively quiet
Even paced

You always walk slowly to feel the earth beneath your feet.

Vivid, bright,
Hurried, Extroverted extravagance
Fast paced

I always skipped joyfully hoping to one day touch the sky.

Not knowing we are just notes on a piano sheet,
We walked alone on the white pages,
Next to one another with gaps and spaces.

A teenage boy, laughing with friends, walked through the door.
He sat in front of the black and white keys,
Looked at the black and white sheets.

Two hands, 
Two paths,
Merged into one -
complete, splendid, well-formed melody.

Come and Dance

Do you find time to dance with God?
Do you slow down and drop your facade
Do you make the way to be awed?

Children are experts in finding magic.
Open heart, limitless mind
to search for beauty in the mood of automacy. 

Only to grow up and be restricted 
To choose a field, to limit their thinking, to fit in a groove.

Some age with vibrancy,
Others age with insincerity.

Forget being a grownup! Forget about what you've learned.
Just for today,
Won't you play a little?

Come and take a walk,
On the edge of boundless freedom,
And spend some time and dance with God.

Somedays He Walks in Truth

He walks with certitude, like the glowing sunrise
Of clear glassy break at dawn patrol;
Carving through boldly between peaks and valleys
Met in his balanced mellow to synchronize.

He walks through hardship, able to empathize
Of lined wrinkles, weathered smile;
Trials and tribulations enduring refinement
Forged strength and character crystalize.

His eyes
glow of longing, gleam of purity, hallow of grace,
soft, tender, calm, a bit shy, and eloquently wise.

He dances 
between bustling dynamism and peaceful contemplation;
softhearted firm zeal
timelessly polished and strives to be real.

All the edges in all of his aspects,
no pretense nor overly intense.
All the sentiment in all of his feelings,
brave vision of darkness and light;
dauntlessly facing all experiences with equanimity 
cherishing all hues and tunes of this symphony 
call Life.

I Took the Road Less Traveled*

(hiking with the spirit of Robert Frost)
Crisp cold air, frozen earth, green grass covered in frost,
my finger tips are numb underneath the wore gloves;
seeking slivers of warm sunshine between dense brunches above.

Last night, curling in the snug blanket, 
faint of grandma's rich chocolate chip cookies still in my pocket
sharing toasty hot cocoa next to that bright dancing sizzling fire...
the old cabin often creak in the winter wind,
but we never cared, 
we always feel safe snuggled next to one another 
charmed the joyful air between our laughters.

hiking through hard, rocky, uneven terrain,
growing cold, weak, tired, and wanting to give up... 
l patiently took each step knowing I shall never return;
yellow leafed trees reached out their arms toward the road,
I smile knowing I shall never return as the same.

The road less traveled I have chosen, 
"bon courage" they said, nodded, and walked away;
"not for the faint of heart" they said, applauded, and traveled another way;
gallantry is not found in rehearsing my pompous acts
but my abidance in the inmost tip of one simple fact. 
I shall choose this road over and over again,
how this way leads on to way
to sights no imagination ventured 
as the masses only care to pretend.

I have no luxurious garnish to show 
when the society is clothed in twinkling aurora 
– like the emperor’s new coat…
I walk – my shoes are covered in dust…
yet, with each step, I have found something robust.
A solid allegiance,
timeless, formless, priceless verdict to trust.
Indebted to these arduous steps,

my pilgrimage guided me here;
hidden in the crack of old wounds and deserted sorrows,
lies my durable spirit – hidden, yet shinning so brightly,
only momentarily covered in rust.

Don’t Cover Your Light

Dear Beloved, 
don’t be shy to share your light. 
For you are made of stardust 
– the very essence of God.

Dear Beloved, 
don’t cover up your scars. 
In them live the shimmering beauty carved in every soul.

Dear Beloved, 
don’t be concerned with stature. 
For that devoid of genuine substance only illusory in nature.

For I, can only love you for you. 
Not your covering, 
not your wage, 
not your dwelling, 
nor pretense.

A charade of the strayed path is no concern of mine.